After...Happily Ever After

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Single Moms Fellowship Update

For those of you interested in attending the monthly
Single Moms Fellowships, I am in the process of trying
to line up child care. Unfortunately this does not include
the upcoming dinner scheduled for this Friday.
(See previous post.) However, I am really hoping to
have this resolved before our next activity in May.
I enjoyed meeting new friends at Parents on Track.
Jeannine, Angela, Annabelle and Melanie please keep
in touch and check the posts for updates. If you are
interested in attending future activities and require
childcare it will be necessary to reserve spots for your
children in advance.
Thanks for your patience--hope to see you all again soon!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Parents on Track

On Tuesday, March 30, I will be speaking at the KISD
Parents on Track Meeting. Please keep me in your prayers
as this will be my first time speaking to this group.
My desire is to encourage the parents who attend and
also to invite anyone interested to the next
Single Moms Fellowship, which will be dinner at
Billy Gene's restaurant on Friday, April 9 at 6:30 p.m.
Hope to see you there!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentine's Blessing!

I have fond memories of Valentine's Day as a child. My mother would bake
heart shaped cookies or festive cupcakes complete with party decorations and
my brothers and I were allowed to invite school friends over to share the
celebration. I appreciate the tradition my mother instilled in me and it
has been my privilege to honor a similar legacy with my own children;
still giving them some type of "Valentine" trinket into their young adult years.
However, with one week left until Valentine's Day, for many the pressure is on!
Ever since the after Christmas clearance sales, the average shopper has been
bombarded by the deluge of Valentine's Day merchandise . Lets face it--
with the exception of newly-weds and young children, most people I know
don't really enjoy Valentine's Day. Teenagers are vulnerable-- for years my
oldest daughter referred to the holiday as "Love Sucks Day" due to an untimely
break-up associated with the season! My married friends are not immune.
It's not unusual for wives to be disappointed; their husbands confused by
the significance attached to the absence of just the right sentimental card,
or flowers. For single adults, not being part of a couple during a time
advertised for couples can be downright depressing.
Years ago, I battled one such Valentine's Day myself; the first one after my
husband left. I was sick and feeling particularly lonely. My big splurge for the
day was having a heart shaped pineapple and Canadian bacon pizza delivered
for dinner. Just as the hot pizza arrived, I received an important phone call.
Anticipating the delicious comfort food, I wrapped up the phone call as quickly
as possible only to find that my little darlings, ages 8 and 3 at the time had
scarfed down all but one piece! Granted, the heart shape did make for a
smaller pizza, but even so I was not a happy camper and proceeded to indulge
myself in a real pity party--not one of my best moments.
I have since learned that St. Valentine was actually a persecuted Christian who
befriended his jail guard and prayed for his blind daughter. Her healing lead
t0 the salvation and baptism of 46 people. Valentine was martyred but not
before leaving a note for the young girl, signed "Your Valentine" which is how
the tradition of exchanging written valentines began. The scripture
"God is love" is often quoted at this time of year, but St. Valentine's example
certainly gives us perspective--especially in light of my pity party!
What does Valentine's Day represent for you? Are you single and dreading the
celebration that seems intended for couples? Or feeling pressure to find that
special expression of love to your spouse? Maybe you have a surprise planned
for your children or friends?
Wherever you find yourself through this next week, join me in remembering St.
Valentine's blessing. God is love and we are so blessed because He first loved
us. My prayer for you is that you experience His love above all else.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

For those abandoned...

Today, listening to the radio I was reminded of an earlier time in my life.
As often happens when I hear of another young mother abandoned by
her husband, I could instantly recall the feelings of fear and insecurity I
experienced, as I worried what would become of my little family.

If you are currently walking this path, I want to encourage you.
Over the years, our Heavenly Father has provided for me and my
children in every possible way: spiritually, financially and emotionally.
God is no respecter of persons and He will do the same for you.
You may not feel His presence. It may seem like your prayers are
bouncing off the ceiling. He understands and He will lift you up if
you just cling to Him. There were so many days that the only prayer
I could summon was "Help me, Jesus." He did and as I trusted Him
each day, it became easier; the burden lighter.

We may not know what the future holds but we do know WHO holds our

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper
you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Joyful Heart

This morning while listening to some of my favorite Christmas music by
Jars of Clay, I reflected on the lyrics,
"What can I give to Him? I'll give Him my heart."
As I continued to meditate on this, my prayer was,
"Lord, I'll give you a joyful heart."

That may seem like stating the obvious and don't get me wrong--
I love the holidays; sharing gifts, the decorations, music and even
shopping! Over the years, I have tried to teach my children that
Jesus really is the "reason for the season" and purpose each year
to keep priorities intact . However, for many years now there has
been one recurring theme that at times can be a hindrance to my joy.
I am referring to a yearly absence of child support during the holidays!
Many of you are aware that I still receive back child support payments
due to all of the years of delinquency. Yet, it seems that no matter how
consistent payments may be throughout the year, when November rolls
around the cycle begins. I am a big believer in gratitude and affirm that
there is always something for which I can be grateful. Because of that,
I wrestled with the issue of sharing my struggle, but finally decided there
are probably others with similar trials during the holidays. As I continue
to pray for my Heavenly Father to meet my needs, I ask that you also
would keep me in your prayers. In the meantime, I will choose to have
a joyful heart!
If you are struggling, I want to encourage you to lay down your burdens
and offer the Giver of all gifts, your heart this blessed season.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Friends in Hard Places

Over the weekend I was honored to meet two new friends. One meeting was a brief encounter, as my friend Anita and I offered to pray for Sherri during a book signing. Sherri, if you are reading, please know that I will continue to pray for you and your children. The other situation provided opportunity to visit more and get to know Jenny. Both of these ladies are walking through extremely difficult circumstances--hurting and missing their children. My heart goes out to you and others who may be facing similar struggles.
Another friend is overwhelmed by unresolved issues at work and still another facing the challenges of being a recent widow. We live in a world of hurting people; many who would feel hopeless were it not for the grace of the Lord. If you are currently in a hard place, reflect on Psalm 27 and may God the Father, give you peace.

The Lord is my light and salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold
my life--of whom shall I be afraid?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Inspired by the Maxwells

I have known the Maxwell family for over ten years.
Our children went to church camp and attended youth group together.
Over the years, I have shared fellowship in their home on many occasions.
After battling a rare form of cancer since last December, Joe went home to
be with the Lord, this past Thursday. I attended a memorial for Kathleen and
her three children Austin, Mallory, and Price yesterday. The mood in the room
was one of complete peace. Those of us attending wanted to comfort Kathleen
and the family, yet they inspired us with their grace.
Before attending the funeral today, I spent some time on their blog which
recorded their journey battling Joe's illness. It was obvious they had treasured
every precious moment with Joe to say their goodbyes. When I arrived at the
funeral twenty minutes early, I was stunned by the overflow of the parking lot
and a church full to capacity. As one of Joe's final requests, the service began
with a time of worship. Hearing the many voices harmonize "It is Well,"
brought tears to my eyes. However, by far the most touching part of the
service was hearing Austin, the oldest son speak so lovingly of his father. His
tribute to his father was seasoned with humor and family anecdotes. The
service was, as all funerals should be in my opinion; a celebration of life.
If you are in need of a healthy dose of inspiration, check out their story:

About Me

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The gift of contentment is available to you! My hope is to encourage other single parents. By the grace of God, I have raised 3 children on my own & facilitate a support group for single moms at my church. My own struggles & victories as well as those of women I have interviewed are chronicled in my book, "After...Happily Ever After." Books are currently available online(see link at top of blog), Amazon, Impact Christian Fellowship and Hastings. When I am not writing you can find me in the garden:
